Some of our parishioners are currently on Pilgrimage in Walsingham.
We pray for their time there and for safe travels.
We pray for +Alan who has today announced his intention to retire on health grounds. We have always found him to be a good friend to us at St George’s and we wish him well in his retirement.
Congratulations to Fr William and Anne Odling Smee on their 60th Wedding Anniversary.
Today (30th July) is the day and they are celebrating with family in Northumberland.
Thanks to their son Hugh for the lovely wedding photo.
As a couple and individually, they have contributed so much to making our society here a better place.
We wish them many more years together and hope they enjoy the family celebrations.
At our Parish Lunch today (23rd June) we took the opportunity to congratulate Selby and Paddy Nesbitt on their Golden Wedding Anniversary.
They first came to St George’s when their son Andrew joined the choir aged 7 and now their young grandson is a chorister at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin.
We wish them many more happy years together.
Welcome to Evan, Fergus and Max as they were installed full choristers at Evensong this afternoon. The choir sang Stanford in A and I was glad, ( 100 years to the day since the death of its composer, Parry.) we also welcomed 13 new probationers last Friday, with a few more to follow. Thank you to the parents who commit to becoming chorister parents, a role which can be quite demanding!
Next Sunday, the choir sings the Eucharist in St Anne’s Cathedral, while we welcome their choir to sing our Eucharist.