Category: Latest News
Last Minute Choir Concert this Friday
Our Director of Music writes:
‘Due to the Aer Lingus strike, the choir is unable to sing its intended repertoire in Berlin. As a result, it is a great privilege for them to sing a concert for the parish, at short notice, this Friday evening, 28th June, at 7:30pm. Do come along and support the boys and men.’
Please do pass this news on to friends since this Parish Choir concert is being organised at very short notice and we would like to publicise it as widely as possible in the limited time available.
The two recent concerts held in the last few weeks, one by the Parish Choir and last Friday’s by St George’s SSA Choir, were splendid events and very much enjoyed by all present.
So come and represent the audience the choir should have had in Berlin!
‘Silent Auction’ and ‘Odd Socks’ concert ahead of Parish Choir’s Berlin trip
The St George’s Parish Choir is getting ready to embark on its first choir tour since 2018. Plans to sing in Cambridge in 2020 were denied by the outbreak of Covid, so this is really quite an experience for us all.
Our tour involves four performances: We sing Evensong in Luisen Kirche, a service of which they have no experience and are really looking forward to hearing. We’ll sing Stanford in C and Beati Quorum Via.
Saturday June 29th sees us singing in the Trinitas Kirche, a concert for their weekly Music Hour. This will feature repertoire including Goodall’s ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’ with the solo sung by Matthew Loughrey, Tippett 5 Negro Spirituals, and works by Bruckner, Stanford, Chilcott et al.
In the evening, we are performing in the ‘Night of Choirs’ concert in the Kultur Forum (beside the Philharmonie’ in the centre of Berlin.
Sunday Morning, we sing Festival Eucharist in the Luisen Kirche, Schubert in G is the setting.
In between all of this, we have sight seeing tours: Checkpoint Charlie, TV Mast, Olympic stadium and more, as well as, I’m sure, visits to McDonalds and other hostelries as well as some chorister games.
Do please feel free to come to the Odd Socks concert on June 7th at 7:30pm, where the choir will perform items outside of their normal skills. We will also hold the final day of the fundraising auction, so do bid and help us to fund raise for this tour. More information here