Bicentenary concert ‘From Morley to Mawby’


On June 25th, at 7:30pm St George’s Parish Choir hosted its Bicentenary concert ‘From Morley to Mawby’ featuring the trebles and gentlemen of the parish choir and the new probationers. The programme spanned 500 years and included a short harp recital from the Bunting Collection (he was the first organist of St George’s). Colin Mawby was present on the night for the premiere of his commissioned work, ‘Praise the God that dwellest’.

Celebrations mark 200 years of St George’s in Belfast

Pictured after the Bicentenary Service are our Curate, William Odling Smee, Bishop Alan Abernethy, the Archbishop of Armagh Dr Richard Clarke and the Rector, Rev Brian Stewart.
Pictured after the Bicentenary Service are our Curate, William Odling Smee, Bishop Alan Abernethy, the Archbishop of Armagh Dr Richard Clarke and the Rector, Rev Brian Stewart.

The Bicentenary Service on Thursday, 16th June was a lovely occasion with a large attendance of almost 250 people and around 30 clergy. It was good to see the nave of the church full for the Choral Eucharist and to hear the wonderful singing of the choir, under the direction of David Falconer and assisted by organist, Mark McGrath who performed Parry’s anthem ‘I Was Glad’.

The Archbishop of Armagh Dr Richard Clarke preached a challenging sermon, not only giving thanks for all that has been over the last 200 years but also encouraging us to look forward and to continue and expand our witness and mission in the heart of Belfast.

The service was recorded by BBC Radio Ulster and an edited version was broadcast on Morning Service on Sunday, 19th June. A link to the service is available here


Fr Brian marks 25th anniversary of his ordination

Mark Wardil, Rector's Churchwarden presents Fr Brian with gifts to mark the occasion
Mark Wardil, Rector’s Churchwarden presents Fr Brian with gifts to mark the occasion


In June, St George’s celebrated our Bicentenary. We also marked another significant anniversary as our Rector, Rev Brian Stewart celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination as a deacon.

He has spent nearly 22 years of those as our Rector and we give thanks for his ministry and friendship over these years and wish him many more.

Fr Brian was presented with a beautiful all-season stole and three books on liturgy on behalf of the Select Vestry and Parish.

Thank you Fr Brian for all that you do.