On Sunday 3 September, William Jeffrey was ordained deacon to serve in Killaney and Carryduff.
The ordination took place in the recently refurbished Ballyholme Parish Church. Bishop Harold Miller ordained four deacons for internships in Down and Dromore and the preacher at the service was Canon Dr Christina Baxter CBE. Christina is an Anglican theologian and was Principal of St John’s College, Nottingham, for 15 years, retiring in 2012.
Also ordained alongside William were Andrew Irwin to serve in Donaghcloney, Myrtle Morrison for Craigavon and Maithrie White–Dundas to serve in Ballyholme (pictured below).
Speaking ahead of his ordination, William said: “Born in Newtownards, I grew up in Dundonald and Holywood and now live in East Belfast. I’ve been married to Alison for over 29 years and we have three sons.
“Prior to my full–time training at CITI, I worked for almost 33 years as a Northern Ireland Civil Servant.
“My Christian journey to date has been largely influenced by both Anglicanism and Presbyterianism and my sending parish is St George’s Belfast. I am very thankful to my parents for nurturing me in the Christian faith from childhood and pointing me in the right direction.
“Within the life of the Church I have a keen interest in mission – in all the various forms that this takes. I have been privileged to experience overseas work amongst the abandoned street boys of Peru and this summer I was on a CMSI/CITI placement to the Diocese of Northern Zambia.
“As a consequence, an inspiring verse for me is from the Gospel of St Matthew, Chapter 25 and verse 40:– “And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’”(NRSV).