Death of Mr David McElderry

It is with great sadness that we learnt on Monday of the death of Mr David McElderry.
Some words from Mr Mark McGrath to express a reaction that is common to us all.
Mr McElderry was an absolute rock in St. George’s for all the time I’ve been around, and for a lot longer than that. For those of us who became part of the St George’s family as children or young men he was a living link to the musical history of the church, and I cannot think of anyone else who has set such an exemplary example of musicianship, dedication and decency for so many successive generations. As a member of the vestry he was not only integral to the life of the parish whose opinion was never given or taken lightly, but on many occasions also the vital link between the choir and the wider church family. Always encouraging, gentle but perceptive with his advice, and supportive of everything that the choir did. His old-fashioned formality was tempered by an almost-constant glint in the eye, and a dry wit, as well as a warmth and positivity that has been of great value to many of us. I know how much pleasure he took in recent years watching the choir flourish with Emma Gibbins and then with David and Maeve. I can’t imagine the place without him.
Mark McGrath

St George’s Lenten Lunch – Sunday February 21st

St George’s Lenten Lunch 2021
on the First Sunday in Lent
February 21st
It’s time to organize a Parish Lunch.
A socially distanced lunch – of course.
And one that allows us all to stay inside in the warm – of course.
A lunch with a purpose – in fact, several purposes:
To mark the beginning of Lent
To raise funds for Lenten charities
Because we haven’t had a Parish Lunch for almost 12 MONTHS
Because there are still ways to do things together
How can this be arranged?
Very conveniently because – just for a change – we will stay at home.
And cook our favourite soup to accompany our favourite cheese.
Please join in.
Two charities have been chosen:
Embrace the Middle East and USPG
Information about the charities, their topical Lenten projects and
on how to donate, can be found in this month’s Parish Magazine.
And one more request!
Please email photos to We hope to include as
many as possible on Facebook and in the March magazine.

Church closure during lockdown

St George’s is currently closed for the six weeks of lockdown.
The Rector will still celebrate a Sunday Eucharist in church with just the videographer and five or six musicians present; the Eucharist will be broadcast on Facebook as previously.
Fr Brian will also read Compline on Wednesday evenings at 8pm on Facebook.
This has not been an easy decision to make but it will be for the best in light of a still growing threat from Covid-19.
Please visit – – for regular updates.