Category: Latest News
Eucharist for Third Sunday of Easter – 18th April
Eucharist for Second Sunday of Easter – 11th April
Wednesday Eucharist
Our midweek Wednesday 10.30am Eucharist services will recommence next Wednesday, 14th April.
Choral Eucharist for Eastertide – Easter Sunday 4th April
Easter Ceromonies with Confirmation and First Eucharist of Easter
Eucharist for the Sixth Sunday in Lent – Palm Sunday
Easter Services at St George’s
St George’s will reopen for public worship from Friday, April 2nd.
The Good Friday service will be between 2pm and 3pm. The number of parishioners who will attend this service is expected to be small. Because of our current Covid-19 restrictions, fewer places than usual will be available at our two principal Easter services.
If you would like to attend either the Easter Eve and Confirmation service on Saturday, April 3rd at 8pm or the Easter Day service on Sunday, April 4th at 11am, please contact us at to pre-book your place.
It is unlikely that we will be able to accommodate you at both services.
To pre-book, please provide the following information, before Thursday April 1st:
1. The names of those wishing to attend. Please keep your group to a maximum of two people in the same ‘bubble’.
2. The email address of one of the applicants.
3. The telephone number of one of the applicants.
4. Please also list the services in order of preference.
We will make every effort to offer you a place at your preferred service. We will contact you if we can offer you a place. To avoid our having to turn anyone away, please come down to the church, on the above dates, only if we have confirmed your reservation.
Please remain cautious and vigilant when you are in St George’s but, in particular, please wear a mask, covering both mouth and nose and comply with the 2-metre rule throughout the service.
Please do not come to the church if you have had any coronavirus symptoms in the 10 days prior to the service you plan to attend.
St George’s April Magazine
The April Magazine is attached in which the Rector informs us in his letter that we can return to St George’s on Good Friday, April 2nd and on Easter Eve and Easter Day.
However, IT IS NECESSARY TO BOOK A PLACE AT THESE LAST TWO SERVICES and instructions are given on page 3.
You will be pleased to know (safety regulations observed!) that we are permitted to return to the usual 11am Sunday morning Eucharist until further notice.