On Wednesday evening, September 27th Bishop Alan Abernethy commissioned our Rector’s Churchwarden Mark Wardil as a Lay Reader. Rev. Kevin Graham, Warden of Readers, presented Mark alongside Andrew McFaul from Muckamore Parish.
Author: Lauren Harte
Dates for your diary
Two dates for your diary and two significant days in the life of the Parish.
On Wednesday 27th September at 8pm our Rector’s Churchwarden, Mark Wardil will be commissioned as a Lay Reader by Bishop Alan Abernethy.
Then on Sunday 1st October the Friends of Cathedral Music will be present at our Choral Evensong at 5pm. They have recently awarded the Choir a significant grant and the service, followed by refreshments, will be an opportunity for us to thank them for their generosity.
All very welcome at both these services.
Award of grant from Friends of Cathedral Music
On October 1st, a very special evensong will take place at 5.00pm in St. George’s Church, Belfast. The Friends of Cathedral Music will present the Parish Choir with a grant for £20,000 in order to further the work of the choir. The Parish Choir, made up of 19 choristers, 6 choral scholars and 10 gentlemen will sing the service, at which 7 new choristers will be installed into the choir, receiving their surplice and their own, personalised hymn book.
The choristers come from a variety of schools around Belfast and Lisburn and rehearse on Thursday evenings with the gentlemen and on Friday afternoons alongside the probationers or new recruits. The training of the choir is managed jointly by David and Maeve Falconer, David directs the choir, Maeve recruits and trains the probationers and provides one to one singing lessons for the 6 choral scholars. They are assisted at the organ on Sunday mornings by Mr Ian MacKrell, and at evensongs and festival services by Mr Mark McGrath. The choristers also receive lessons in Music theory from music under-graduate, Mr Ryan Garnham. The choristers pass into the back row seamlessly after voice break and, as choral scholars, may move on to university choral scholarships. This year Michael Hong leaves to take up a choral scholarship in Clare College, Cambridge while former organ scholar, Donal McCann takes up the position of organ scholar at King’s College, Cambridge. Organ scholarships are also available at St George’s, with tuition provided by Mr Mark McGrath.
The Church of Ireland offers a rich variety of services, some based more loosely on the Book of Common Prayer, others based entirely on it. St George’s in Belfast and St Bartholomew’s in Dublin offer Choral Eucharists sung by advanced parish choirs of boys and men, using the BCP liturgy to its fullest.
The Friends of Cathedral Music is a charity with a mission to maintain and progress Cathedral music. As such, it offers grants to cathedrals in order to help them to meet the costs of developing and maintaining the choirs. They have a special fund reserved for choirs made up of trebles and men. Although we are a parish church, the exceptional tradition and standards upheld in St George’s were deemed worthy of investment and the Parish Choir has been awarded a grant of £20,000. The choir is greatly indebted to Friends of Cathedral Music for this tremendous support and acknowledgement of the hard work and commitment from the Director of Music, teachers, organists, men and boys of St George’s Church, Belfast.
Annual Law Service 2017
William Jeffrey ordained in St Columbanus’ Ballyholme
Best wishes to Billy Jeffrey
Today we presented Billy Jeffrey with a stole in advance of his Ordination as a Deacon on Sunday 3rd September at 6pm in Ballyholme. Billy will be ordained to serve his year as Deacon in Carryduff. Billy recently visited our CMS Mission Partners, Keith and Lynne Scott in Zambia. This was a placement as part of his training for ordination at CITI and you can read his blog of his visit written for CMSI on their website http://www.cmsireland.org/
At this time we also remember Ian Mills who spent six weeks with us last year as part of his CITI placement. Ian will be ordained this Thursday (24th August) in Antrim at 8pm and will serve in Agherton Parish in Portstewart.
Exam success for former Organ Scholar and choir members
Sexton prepares for Everest marathon challenge
A link to an article on the Church of Ireland website about our Sexton Ken Tate who will revisit the Himalayas to take part in his second Everest Marathon this November.
You can sponsor Ken online by visiting www.virginmoneygiving.com/kentate or make a donation at St George’s Parish Church.