Advent Sunday at St George’s


Advent begins this Sunday, November 27th. Our preacher at 11am Choral Eucharist will be the Rev’d Roger Thompson of the Church Mission Society Ireland. He is responsible for co-ordinating partnership links between sponsoring parishes in Ireland and those individuals who are working overseas on mission placements. Fr Thompson will tell us about the overall work of CMSI and something of the assistance to the Church in Zambia.
Our annual Advent Carol service will take place as usual at 5pm. The music of Advent, from the distant, anterior sound of ‘I look from afar’ to the reworking of ‘Veni Emmanuel’ by Philip Lawson, this Sunday afternoon will set the tone for a devotional advent season. The candlelit procession, the ‘O’ antiphons, readings and advent carols will prepare the way for Christmas. All are welcome.