An interview with Bishop-designate George

Archdeacon George Davison, Bishop-designate of Connor.

Much has changed in our lives in a short period of time, but soon after his election, Connor Bishop-designate George Davison spoke about his appointment and future role in an interview in the Church of Ireland Gazette (March issue).
*The interview was conducted and printed before the impact of coronavirus on our lives, churches and communities.

Archdeacon George Davison elected new Bishop of Connor

We offer our congratulations to Ven. George Davidson on his election as our new Bishop. We assure him of our prayers for this new ministry amongst us and look forward to welcoming him to St George’s in his new role.


Fr William in the press

Our curate Fr William Odling-Smee features in the Belfast Telegraph talking to religion correspondent Alf McCreary about his life and faith.

Parish Choir host fundraising lunch

As well as serving up a wonderful rendition of the Canterbury Mass and Gibbons ‘This is the record of John’ on Sunday morning, December 15th, the choir served up hot dogs and mince pies after the service. All in aid of choir funds and their tour to Cambridge next summer.