Live streaming on Facebook at ‘The Parish Church of St George Belfast’

Monday to Wednesday – 8pm Compline (page 154 B.C.P. 2004 or page 331 in B.C.P. 1926)

Maundy Thursday – 8pm The Eucharist. Order 1 (page 180 B.C.P. 2004 or page 138 in B.C.P. 1926)

Good Friday – 12 noon Stations of the Cross
2pm Liturgy of Good Friday
8pm Compline and Reproaches

Jesus said “I, when I am lifted up from the Earth will draw all people to myself.” – St John 12 v32

Easter Day – 11am The Eucharist Order 2 (page 201 B.C.P. 2004)

Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Parish Magazine for April 2020

The public health emergency over the Covid-19 coronavirus has prompted St George’s to make the Easter edition of the Parish magazine available online.

We hope that readers will find it a source of comfort and inspiration in the current climate.

You can read the magazine by clicking the link below. Please note that it is in booklet format as it would normally be printed so please follow page numbers!

We would recommend that, having clicked the link to the Magazine, you should proceed to print the Magazine, ensuring that your printer is set for ‘2-sided printing’.

Magazine Body (April2)


An interview with Bishop-designate George

Archdeacon George Davison, Bishop-designate of Connor.

Much has changed in our lives in a short period of time, but soon after his election, Connor Bishop-designate George Davison spoke about his appointment and future role in an interview in the Church of Ireland Gazette (March issue).
*The interview was conducted and printed before the impact of coronavirus on our lives, churches and communities.
